17 Jul 2020  •  Blog, Practice Management  •  3min read By  • Gary Nelson

A tool to address imbalances in life and business

These last three months have been tough on just about everyone. I’ve had many calls from clients who were exasperated by the position they find themselves in.

I have some news for you…it’s OK not to be OK, give yourself a break, you are human.

It’s often hard to describe just exactly what is wrong and hard to write the roadmap back to putting things right again.

Happily, I have a technique for you. One that I have used for many years, which I do hope will help you as much as it has helped me.

The Wheel of Life

The Wheel of Life was invented in the 1960s by Paul Meyer and it’s a simple tool that helps you visualise all the important areas of your life, which areas are working just fine and which areas need some attention.


Using the pie chart above, score yourself from one to ten for each segment along each line from the centre outwards and join up the dots.

I am fairly certain that no one right now is a perfect 10 and that the shape of your analysis is somewhat unusual.

That’s OK, because by identifying the areas of imbalance you can write your road map back to normality, or maybe even greater success.

Now have a look at an example below:


If the wheel on a car looked like the orange shape above, the car certainly would not function very well.

A balanced wheel should of course be perfectly round, but life ebbs and flows and it’s not always perfectly balanced. So, every now and again it’s good to check your wheel of life and identify the imbalances.

Luckily, as humans we are largely elastic. We are pulled out of shape and stretched by many of life’s challenges but as long as we take care of ourselves mentally, we often fall back into shape given time.

The Wheel of Business

The very same process can and should be undertaken periodically with your business and below is the tool to undertake that audit.

Again, a superb tool to audit your current business situation and check your progress. Rate your current level of satisfaction and the areas you feel you need to focus attention on in order to grow the business you truly want.

I do hope these easy-to-use tools help you both personally and professionally. It’s OK not to be OK and the above should help in getting you and your practice back on track. They helped me over many years!

About Gary:

Gary Nelson is an Area Manager with Practice Plan, the UK’s leading provider of practice-branded patient membership plans. Gary has successfully run his own business for ten years prior to joining the team at Practice Plan.

If you’re looking for more independence from the NHS or want to transform the profitability of your business through the combination of a well-populated plan and personalised support, call 01691 684165 or visit practiceplan.co.uk

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