You may remember a couple of weeks ago we posted a blog detailing the upcoming changes to the look and feel of Facebook. Well, Twitter have jumped on the bandwagon too! Here, Martin Mulrooney from social media agency ApexHub, explains these changes.
Showcase your images and videos
If you haven’t already noticed, your Twitter profile picture should now be bigger and more prominent. The changes to the layout means that Twitter should have prompted you to change the size of your header image. If you don’t make any changes yourself then Twitter will set your header to a default size, but we recommend adjusting your header to 1500 pixels wide either yourself or with the help of a professional designer.
Three column flow
Following in the footsteps of Facebook, Twitter have introduced a third column. This incorporates your Twitter handle and biography which used to feature within your profile header, helping to make your page look a little less squashed. What’s more, the addition to the third column will make the website more flexible in fitting to various screen sizes.
Best tweets
Twitter will be showing off your best tweets. Any tweets that receive the most engagement from fellow tweeters will be displayed in a slightly larger size, making your most popular content easily recognisable!
Pin up function
If there’s a specific tweet you think is important for your followers to see – pin it! Twitter’s given its users a new functionality which allows them to ‘pin’ their favourite post ensuring their followers see exactly what they want them to!
Pick and mix filters
Twitter have introduced a filter functionality which allows you to pick and choose which tweets you see. When checking out other profiles on Twitter you can adapt the types of content which will appear in your timeline from that profile in the future – opting between a ‘tweet only’ timeline, ‘tweets with photos and videos’ timeline or a ‘tweets and replies’ timeline.
It’s clear to see that Twitter has taken some inspiration from fellow social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, but this hasn’t changed the overall experience of Twitter itself – that’s certainly remained intact and as professional as ever, just with the added functionality of getting your content more easily noticed!