13 May 2024  •  Podcasts, Mental Health  •  2min read

Dentists’ Health Support Trust

In this latest episode of Bodcast we are joined by Richard Jones, Clinical Lead and National Coordinator at the Dentists Health Support Trust to talk about the organisation and the support they can offer to dental professionals.

What you’ll hear:

  • How the trust was founded and what the service provides
  • Different factors that could contribute to a mental health crisis in dentistry
  • How many calls they receive in an average month
  • What happens once someone gets in touch and the support they can expect
  • Tips dental professionals can implement to look after their own mental health
  • Advice for anyone struggling with their mental health and apprehensive about using this helpline

For more information and to get in touch with the trust visit https://www.dentistshealthsupporttrust.org/contact/

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