20 Dec 2016  •  Podcasts, Practice Management  •  2min read By  • Practice Plan

How to put corporate social responsibly at the heart of your business

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a broad term used to describe a company’s efforts to improve society in some way. In this episode of Bodcast, host Zoe Close catches up with Bridge2Aid’s Ian Wilson to provide listeners with a greater understanding of the benefits of putting CSR at the heart of your business, as well as tips on how you can implement this.

What you’ll hear today:
  • The meaning of CSR and examples of how it works in practice
  • An overview of the benefits of CSR to a dental business
  • Advice on how to get started in your own dental practice.
About Ian Wilson

Ian WilsonIan co-founded the charity Bridge2Aid with his wife Andie in 2002 when they moved to live in Mwanza, Tanzania. Hope Dental Centre was opened in Mwanza in 2004, providing a full range of dental services, the profits from which were used to fund the charitable aspects of the work, these being training of indigenous rural clinical officers in emergency oral urgent treatment, and supporting a community of people affected by leprosy. Ian has had the privilege of pioneering the training model alongside the many volunteers who participate each year and gaining wisdom from those who have pioneered oral health projects into developing nations.

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