3 Jan 2017  •  Podcasts, Practice Management  •  2min read By  • Practice Plan

Pat Langley’s expert advice on policies and protocols

If a man landed from Mars and wanted to buy your dental practice, would he be able to work out how to run the practice from your policies and protocols? If the answer is no, then this episode of Bodcast with compliance expert Pat Langley is a must for you and your team, to ensure you’re meeting the CQC’s requirements. 

What you’ll hear today:
  • How compliance with the CQC is involves far more than just having written policies and protocols filed on a shelf
  • How to ensure it’s clear how your practice is run through tailored policies and protocols
  • Why it’s essential to regularly review your policies and protocols
  • The importance of staff training to ensure the whole team are clear on what your policies and protocols are.
Pat LangleyAbout Pat Langley

Pat Langley is Chief Executive of Apolline.

Apolline provides a comprehensive range of in-practice and remote support services to dental practices in all matters relating to regulatory compliance.

For further information, please call 0800 193 1033 or email the Apolline team at enquiry@apolline.uk.com


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