24 Jul 2018  •  Podcasts, Practice Management  •  2min read By  • Practice Plan

How to unlock hidden profits in your practice

Andy McDougall explains why numbers should be at the heart of everything you do and explains how to make sure your practice reaches its full financial potential.

What you’ll hear:
  • An overview of where unlocked profits lurk and how they can be accessed
  • An insight into how numbers behave and how to apply Decision Making Accounting (DMA)
  • How very practice has the opportunity to double its net profit within three years by unlocking its own profit code

Who should listen:
  • Practice owners who want to double their net profit within three years
  • Anyone thinking of buying or who has recently bought a dental practice and wants to avoid the typical pitfalls that new owners fall into
  • Anyone preparing to sell their dental practice in the next five years and want to maximise their exit value
About Andy McDougall:

Andy McDougallAndy McDougall, owner of Spot On Business Planning, is a leading dental business mentor. He has worked in a multitude of industries and has spent over 30 years leading large organisations through transformational change with the prime objective of radically improving their profitability. Andy has been successfully applying those same techniques in the dental industry for the last ten years and his clients boast a doubling of their net profit every three years.



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