11 May 2020  •  Podcasts, Practice Management, Covid-19  •  2min read By  • Practice Plan

Leading through uncertainty

Les Jones talks to Jude Jennison about leading through uncertainty as lockdown continues.

Jude has been working with uncertainty all her life and understands the anxiety that this can cause. With numerous years’ experience she now explains some key tips on how to navigate our way through these challenging times as leaders.

What you’ll hear today:
  • Understanding the different experiences through lockdown and COVID-19 coping mechanisms – tackling social isolation, lack of freedom, grief and loss
  • How to recognise lockdown stress and balancing your time
  • How to embrace change to manage the fear of the unknown
  • How to identify how your team are dealing with uncertainty.
Who should listen:
  • Practice Owners and Managers
  • Anyone who leads a team.

*Recorded on 24th April 2020

About Jude:

Jude’s extensive background in the business world provides her clients with a solid foundation for learning, where every thing they learn is mapped back to real life situations and practical applications.

Her experience as a former senior leader in IBM includes managing a budget of > $1 billion, reducing it by 25%, implementing a European Skills Strategy for 28,000 employees, Communications Partner for the General Manager of Services and Outsourcing Service Manager for a range of clients in diverse business sectors.

Jude lives and breathes uncertainty and challenges her own status quo in service of her clients.  She has a passion for creating peace and believes that it starts with each of us finding our own inner peace so that we can live and work in harmony with others.

Jude shares real life leadership stories to encourage senior leaders and executives to lead more courageously and make a conscious difference in business and society.


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