29 Aug 2017  •  Podcasts, Practice Management  •  3min read By  • Practice Plan

Sarah Buxton details the key things you need to know if you’re self-employed

In this edition of Bodcast Zoe Close speaks to HR and Employment law specialist Sarah Buxton and asks her to explain the three different types of employment status – employee, worker and self-employed. Sarah also details the protections and the risks of the three and looks at the importance of contract issue and revision.

Today you will hear:
  • Detailed explanations about the three types of employment status
  • The types of claims that a self-employed person can make
  • What a practice owner can do to protect themselves
  • Clarification about the concept of patients ‘belonging’ to a practice


About Sarah Buxton

Sarah BuxtonSarah specialises in acting exclusively for dentists, dental managers and dental practice owners in all aspects of HR and Employment Law and is a Director at FTA Law. Sarah advises dental practices on managing and motivating their staff, dealing with sickness absence, assisting with making changes to employment contracts and, if needed, how to bring the employment relationship to an end. Sarah also has in-depth knowledge of the NHS Regulations and of the CQC and how this effects the employment relationship in a dental practice.


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