NHS dentistry in Scotland

In this episode, brought to you by Wesleyan Financial Services, Monica Pacult talks to Wesleyan Financial Services Specialist Financial Adviser Morna Beattie about what life’s like for NHS Dentists and their finances in Scotland. They…

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What does Christie & Co’s 2024 Business Outlook mean for Dentists?

In this edition, Iain Stevenson, Wesleyan Financial Services Head of Dental, talks to Steve O’Connor, Associate Director of Christie & Co, a specialist business property adviser to dental professionals. They discuss Christie & Co’s recently…

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Business agreements for dentists

In this episode, Monica Pacult talks to Rebecca Johnson, a Specialist Financial Planner at Wesleyan Financial Services. They cover the importance of business agreements for dentists and how they improve business continuity, resolving disputes and…

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Pension switching and consolidation for dentists

Listen in to our latest podcast with Simon Cosgrove, Dental Specialist Financial Adviser at Wesleyan Financial Services, where we talk about the pros and cons of pension switching and consolidation for dentists. Bear in mind…

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Replacing NHS income when converting to private dentistry

As dentists continue to explore their options outside of the NHS, one of the biggest considerations is what is needed to replace their NHS income. In this podcast, Laura Whyte catches up with Katrina Rees,…

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Spring Budget 2023 and changes to Pensions Allowances

In this episode, Laura Whyte talks to Wesleyan Financial Services Specialist Financial Adviser Paul Barnfather about the 2023 Spring Budget and how the changes to Annual and Lifetime Allowances will impact those planning for retirement.…

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