The Covid-19 Chronicles: an associate’s view #8 – Hussein Hassanali

For the last 12 months, Hussein Hassanali has been blogging about life in the dental world during the pandemic. Throughout his series of blogs, he has described the challenges of working through Covid and, in…

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How we’ve adapted to a year of change

No two days have been the same over the last year, with dental practices having to adapt quickly to change after change. As we start to see a light at the end of the lockdown…

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How the pandemic impacted the dental practice market

Practice Plan’s Nigel Jones caught up with Tom Coates, FTA Law’s Managing Director,  to discuss how the pandemic has impacted the dental practice market… NJ: Hi Tom, we’re going to go right back to March…

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The Covid-19 Chronicles: an associate’s view #7 Hussein Hassanali

For the last 12 months, Hussein Hassanali has been blogging about life in the dental world during the pandemic. Throughout his series of blogs, he has described the challenges of working through Covid and in…

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The COVID-19 Chronicles: an associate’s view #6 Hussein Hassanali

Ahhhh, my hands have thawed out enough to operate a keyboard in the new permafrost habitats of winter season dentistry. Thanks to the requirement for open window ventilation and fallows, through fervent shivering I’ve shifted…

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Reasons to be confident in a brighter 2021

The recession we’re now in, following COVID-19, is the seventh I’ve experienced. So far, I have survived all seven. Recession doesn’t necessarily equal the failure of your business. Something that is worth remembering among all…

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The right way to approach the topic of vaccinations

In early January, the NHS confirmed that staff at dental practices will be prioritised as part of the Covid-19 vaccination roll out. Some people will be apprehensive about the vaccine for health reasons and for…

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Furlough scheme changes you need to be aware of

The Government’s furlough scheme has slightly changed following the third lockdown. Currently, it is due to expire at the end of April, but discussions are ongoing in Westminster about another extension. HR and Employment Solicitor…

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The BDA’s Covid response and what were the biggest challenges of the pandemic

Practice Plan’s Nigel Jones spoke to Eddie Crouch, the chair of the BDA’s Executive Committee, recently for the Inside Out: Dentistry Discussed webinar. They spoke about a range of topics, including how the BDA stepped…

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Why now is the right time to raise your treatment prices

This is an important subject, so I’m going to address it via two blogs. The first of which is looking at why now is the right time to raise your treatment prices, and the second…

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What’s the best way to spread my sources of net income?

After the past few turbulent months, lots of people are looking for ways to feel more secure and diminish their financial vulnerability. One of the ways you can begin to increase your stability and protect…

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Prescribing your patient plan

Jayne Gibson talks about the benefits of ‘prescribing’ your membership plan to patients and shares how one practice manages this approach… With many practices seeking to introduce a membership plan or increase the number of…

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What the future holds for the British Association of Private Dentistry

Ian Eslick talks to Jason Smithson on what the focus is for the newly formed British Association of Private Dentistry (BAPD) moving forward, alongside what the organisation’s achieved so far… Established during the most uncertain…

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We built up our plan membership by prescribing it as a maintenance and preventative measure

Lynne Clark talks to Amy Barnes, Business Director of The Lytham Dental Clinic, about why and how they’ve started prescribing the plan membership in a similar way they would a treatment plan and the benefits…

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Your dentistry questions answered: mental health

Practice Plan’s Zoe Close looks for answers to the questions you’re asking… How can I manage my anxiety at work? Surveys conducted by Practice Plan, the BDA and Dental Protection over the last few years…

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Keep your team happy by keeping them in the know

Communicating well with your team may have been a little trickier this year. Firstly, there’s the physical challenge of gathering everyone together in one place when members of the team may well be furloughed, on…

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Three simple strategies to communicate the health benefits of your plan

Janet Mason shares her thoughts on which strategies are most effective when it comes to successfully communicating your plan membership to prospective patients… Lockdown for many practices has highlighted how beneficial a well performing plan…

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Three ways to avoid burnout

The levels of stress and burnout among the dental profession has been a worrying issue long before the arrival of COVID-19. Results from a BDA survey of over 2,000 dental professionals published in January 2019…

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