The importance of having business agreements in place

Rebecca Johnson, a specialist financial planner at Wesleyan Financial Services explains why it’s important for dentists to have business agreements in place. Business agreements are the heart and soul of most companies and organisations. They…

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Advice on setting up a private squat dental practice

Since the backlog caused by the COVID restrictions and the subsequent access problems for many patients, squat practices have risen in popularity. How easy is it to set up a private squat and what are…

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Is it time to explore the peninsula of infinite possibilities?

Area Manager, Gary Nelson, urges people to shun pessimism and embrace their inner optimist. “The optimist lives on the peninsula of infinite possibilities; the pessimist is stranded on the island of perpetual indecision.” William Arthur…

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Safeguard your finances in a time of recession

There’s no doubt now that the country is in a recession which is predicted to last longer than any other for decades. Are there any steps people can take to help alleviate some of the…

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Rising above the hullabaloo

Area Manager, Gary Nelson, makes some suggestions of things practices can check on to ensure they’re making the best use of their money over the next few months. It’s beginning to look like another interesting…

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Has the Covid lockdowns lifted your savings? Top tips for making your money work for you

Michael Copeland, senior area manager at Wesleyan Financial Services, explores how dentists can get the most out of their lockdown savings…. In the face of new infection control protocols and looming backlogs of patients that…

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The five steps to becoming a membership-only practice

Fliss McCalmont discusses the benefits of being a membership-only practice and how to successfully move to that business model. Why become a membership-only practice? For obvious reasons, financial stability and security has taken higher priority…

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Top Tips to boost your plan in practice

Sales Support Manager Michelle Hardy looks at five ways to boost your patient plan… Share your vision One way to help grow the plan is to share your vision for where you want to take…

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Why now is the right time to raise your treatment prices

This is an important subject, so I’m going to address it via two blogs. The first of which is looking at why now is the right time to raise your treatment prices, and the second…

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What’s the best way to spread my sources of net income?

After the past few turbulent months, lots of people are looking for ways to feel more secure and diminish their financial vulnerability. One of the ways you can begin to increase your stability and protect…

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Heard about NHS pension discrimination? Here’s the plan to end it and how it may affect you

Our parent company, Wesleyan, shares the implications of the Age discrimination within the NHS pension scheme and the proposals published by the Government to remove this discrimination for members of all public sector pension schemes…

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Why it’s never too late to start a financial plan

Stephen Barry, Financial Advisor for Wesleyan, shares insights on the common areas that are best to focus on by more experienced dentists in order to improve financial fortunes… While its always recommended to start a…

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How your trading structure forms the keystone to your dental business

Les Jones shares insights from Paul Griffiths, Specialist Dental Financial Consultant at Wesleyan, into how the trading structures of various businesses work and important considerations for your business… While the current climate may be a…

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Your dentistry questions answered: financial forecasting

Practice Plan’s Donna Hall looks for answers to the questions you’re asking… My financial forecast isn’t where I thought it would be. How can I bridge the gap? Never has the saying ‘best laid plans’…

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Five financial planning tips for young dentists

Magdelena Harding, Financial Advisor for Wesleyan, shares the common areas that are stopping the UK’s young dentists achieving financial security… During the uncertain times we face as a dental community, actively and effectively planning is…

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Why we run a membership-only practice and how you can too

Josie Hutchings speaks to Jessica Crawford-Clarke about their experience of running a practice on a membership-only basis… Financial security and reliability have always been important, but after recent events it may well have become more…

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