Chas Lister’s views on the results of the Third NHS Confidence Monitor

The latest NHS Confidence Monitor is a stark portrayal of the Government-funded end of the profession. Sadly, it confirms the opinions expressed widely and informally. Sadly, it is not a surprise.

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David Bretton’s views on the results of the Third NHS Confidence Monitor

Career prospects The first thing that I noticed about the results was that as I expected, a large proportion of those asked (84%) are not feeling confident of their career prospects within NHS dentistry for…

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Jane LeLean’s views on the results of the Third NHS Confidence Monitor

Do you think that the results of the latest NHS Confidence Monitor survey are a true reflection of the mood amongst the profession? In your opinion, what are the key influencing factors to this? I…

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Claire Roberts’ views on the results of the Third NHS Confidence Monitor

The latest results are another damning indication of the low levels of morale for those working within the dental profession. Practice managers are a little more optimistic, but this will include some who do not…

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Alun Rees’ views on the results of the Third NHS Confidence Monitor

The recent NHS Confidence Monitor surveys reflect my own experiences about the condition of dentistry in the UK. Morale is poor across the board, especially in practices that are dependent upon the NHS for their…

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Richard Scarborough’s views on the results of the Third NHS Confidence Monitor

Unsurprisingly, the results of the latest NHS Confidence Monitor reiterate the findings of the earlier surveys.

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Simon Thackeray’s views on the results of the Third NHS Confidence Monitor

Following the release of the results of the third NHS Confidence Monitor survey, Simon Thackeray shares his views on what they reveal about moral within the profession and shares his views on the future of…

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The Big Practice Plan Poll – Results!

Click the image below to view an online PDF of The Big Practice Plan Poll results! You can also download a personal copy of The Big Practice Plan Poll results to read offline.

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The NHS Confidence Monitor – Results!

View details of the NHS Confidence Monitor results and download a personal copy of the NHS Confidence Monitor results to read offline.  

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