Five Reasons Why You Should Have a Treatment Coordinator

We’ve asked treatment coordination expert Laura Horton to discuss the importance of having a Treatment Coordinator (TCO) in your practice and to provide us with an insight into all of the amazing benefits that are…

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All Change For Twitter!

You may remember a couple of weeks ago we posted a blog detailing the upcoming changes to the look and feel of Facebook. Well, Twitter have jumped on the bandwagon too! Here, Martin Mulrooney from…

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Low Cost Ideas For Attracting New Patients

Les Jones, Marketing Director at Practice Plan, shares some low-cost ideas on how to attract new patients to your dental practice. 1. Networking The first thing you need to do is ‘get out there!’ and…

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Calling all Practice Management Teams!

The Bolton Practice Management Conference is only a couple of weeks away and the preparations are well underway.  The speakers are lined up and ready to go and the topics are already getting people talking.…

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The Price Is Right!

The importance of positioning your prices correctly (as well as making sure you’re meeting GDC standards) – a handy tip from Regional Support Manager, Emma Sillars. Last year, a new series of GDC standards were…

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Five Top Tips To Improve Your Front Desk Team!

The front desk team are the shop window for your practice, so it’s vitally important that they are giving patients the right impression. Emma John, award-winning Practice Manager and customer service expert, is passionate about…

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Are You Suffering With Employee Lateness?

Fear not! Peninsula Business Services are on hand to offer some sound advice on the policies and procedures to look at taking when dealing with regular and repeat offenders of lateness.

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Full English Please!

Enjoying time together with breakfast or lunch and offering practice managers the opportunity to discuss an array of business issues, everyday challenges, marketing initiatives, plus lots more, Amy D’Arcy-Burt, Regional Support Manager at Practice Plan,…

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We Made It!

CEO of Bridge2Aid, Mark Topley updates us on the success of reaching their £50,000 target following the launch of their urgent appeal. Hopefully you’ll have heard that we successfully reached our Urgent Appeal target of…

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Have you heard about the new Facebook for businesses?

This week, social media gurus ApexHub fill us in on the recent changes to Facebook for business pages and how users of business pages can benefit from them! So, it may not be a brand-new…

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Some People Think About Design As Putting Lipstick On A Gorilla!

Here, Marketing Director Les Jones talks us through exactly what he means… What I mean is that design is sometimes used to put a bit of surface gloss onto something that is fundamentally not that…

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The First Perfect Patient Journey

One of the latest additions to the team, Events and Marketing Coordinator Ruth Martin, brings us up to speed on what to expect from her first project – a series of ‘Perfect Patient Journey’ events.…

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Phew – What A Show That Was!

This week, guest blogger Sarah Whittall, Events and Marketing Coordinator at Practice Plan, joins us for a catch-up on the goings-on at The Dentistry Show. Well I wasn’t joking when I said in my pre-show…

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Time To Take Stock

In this week’s blog, Sales Director Nigel Jones gives his insight into the uncertain nature of a new NHS dental contract.

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Are You Taking New Patients? by Kevin Rose

Kevin Rose explains the importance of preparing your staff to answer the inevitable ‘Are you taking new patients?’ question and how your response to this could affect the amount of patients coming to your practice.

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If Everything’s Going Great… Change NOW!

Practice Plan Marketing Director Les Jones explains why it’s best to invest in change when your practice is doing well, and how by doing so, it can build on your positive state. There’s no such…

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The Business Skills Workshop Theatre Is Coming!

This week, guest blogger Sarah Whittall, Events and Marketing Coordinator at Practice Plan, joins us to whet our appetites as to what is in store at this year’s Dentistry Show. Well, where do I start?…

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Employment Law Landscape for 2014

Just like previous years, 2014 is due to throw up plenty of new employment laws for us to get our heads around. Here, Peninsula Business Services give us an update on what changes are due…

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